What would be your dream job if you have magical powers?
A while ago, I had been asked in one of the social media groups, if I got the power to have my dream job, (it could be anything and anywhere, just like in a fairy tale), what would it be?
But another question came to my head. Who I want to photograph if I have magical powers?
That moment I realized that, it’s been ages since I asked such questions to my self. After thinking on it for a while, and double checking my reply, I surprisingly saw that, I already have my dream job; photography.
But... Yes a big “but” is coming after this. But, what kind of photography? What do you want to photograph, and how do you want to live as a photographer? It’s easy! If I had that fairy kind of power, I would be travelling all around the world, and travelling in time, taking the portraits of significant people.
When I gave this reply, I’ve been asked another question! Whose photo you would like to take?
Questions are good, because they bring more questions, so you can really see all different aspects of things. Those questions made me silent in my thoughts for a while.
The reply I gave was surprising for me and a bit interesting! 2 names come up to my mind, in seconds, I don’t know why! Something deep down, my subconscious maybe, because I really didn’t even think of this before. First one is, in today’s world, Sophia Loren. The second one is, if I could go back in time, Leonardo Da Vinci. I didn’t miss that both of them are Italian! Maybe, subconsciously I am willing to go to Italy again!
Anyway, this little question game really inspired me. It opened some new doors in my head. Before going to sleep, as it was bedtime when I'd been asked this, I kept dreaming about it.
I think we should never forget to ask such questions to ourselves. The replies might surprise us and give some inspiration to new things!